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 twAMsgInit( Type, mColor, aArea)
     Initializes the default colours of the TSDWIN message functions:


     If this function is not called before using the message functions,
     the colours are initialized by TSDWIN to "w+/n,n/w,,,w/n".

     The aArea parameter allows passing a two dimensional array with
     the start and end lines of the screen area to be reserved for area

     The SAME AREA is used by all messages in this class.


     Type   - 'N' 1 - for twInfoLine()
                  2 - for twWarnLine()
                  - NIL If you want to pass an array of colours.

     mColor - 'C' Clipper Colour String, if Type is passed.

            - 'A' A 2-d array, one element for each of the area message
                  function colours.

              The default colours are monochrome.

     aArea  - 'A' { Start Row, End Row } of message area.


     With this version of TSDWIN, ONLY ONE LINE MESSAGES ARE


     If an array was passed, the function returns a null string. If a
     single message type was initialized, the function returns the
     current colour setting. It can therefore be used in the same way
     as any other Clipper state function, to Get/Set the current value.


     mVar := twAMsgInit( 1, "w+/b,gr+/r,,,n/w" )
     twInfoLine( etc. ...
     Some Code
     twAMsgInit( 1, mVar )

     Save the message area colour and set it. Write a message in the
     new colour then restore the colour for the next message display.

See Also: twAMPop() twInfoLine() twWarnLine()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson